To see as much of the world as we can,
Using the smallest carbon footprint we can,
Spending the least amount of money we can,
Making as many friends we can.

Team Red Cruising

Whitby Rendezvous Day 3

Started: West River Sailing Club. 38°50.74′N 076°32.33′W

Anchored: Tenthouse Creek. 38°50.862′N 076°32.403′W

Distance: 272 yards.

Today's Topics: Pets and Bermuda, Software, Marathon and Boot Key Harbor, Maine, Lessons Learned.

I spoke randomly on blogging.

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More importantly, was some leadership changes.

Last year, we had a bit of reorganization. The folks who had been organizing the rendezvous for the last 10 to 15 years had decided that it was time to retire from the active, hands-on work of making the rendezvous happen.

We sort-of acclaimed crew from Indefatigable to be our new fearless leader. This has worked out well for everyone but the crew of Indefatigable.



What we have is a very loose organization, with a kind of unending commitment to making things happen.

For the folks who originated the rendezvous, that wasn't too daunting. It was their idea in the first place.

But for those of us attempting to take over, an unending commitment is a bit disconcerting.

This year we decided to make it a 1-year commitment, renewable each year.

Further, we agreed discuss it on the first day of the fall rendezvous and take action on the last day of the fall rendezvous. If someone wants to continue, they can let it be known on the first day. If someone doesn't want to continue, that gives us time to sort out who would like to preside next year.

CA took the helm for next year's rendezvous. She and the Joe from Tyche will put the program together and organize the food. We'll (probably) still be hosted at the WRSC. And we'll still try to coordinate with the fall sailboat show.

Agenda Thoughts

The next rendezvous will probably shape up something like this.

Day 1. Arrive during the day. 1500: Greetings from the president. Introduction of the folks and their boats. 1530 Boat Visiting. 1600: Cash Bar. 1800 Catered Dinner.

Day 2. Presentation and Program, probably 6 sessions. Boat Visiting. Cash Bar. Catered breakfast, lunch and dinner. Movie Night.

Day 3. More presentations. Business Meeting with financial report, final election of president and treasurer and any other business. More Boat Visiting. Cash Bar. Catered breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Day 4. Breakfast. Cleanup. Departures.

This involves some minor tweaks from this year. In particular, we're moving away from pot-luck. It's far easier on everyone to have catering; the extra fees this year didn't seem to deter anyone from attending.


The wind last night was pretty stiff: boats were pounding on the docks.

First thing this morning, we pushed Alegria and Northern Phoenix off the dock so they could go out and anchor.

Today at noon, we moved Red Ranger and Joie de Vivre off the docks. We're joining Rosa dos Ventos and Natalie M. out at anchor or on a mooring.

It's much quieter a short distance up the creek.

Tonight winds are predicted to build with gusts to 30 kt. Tomorrow, winds are 20 kt with gusts to 25 straight out of the N. That makes it very difficult to get to Annapolis.

Friday, it will moderate to 15 kt from the N, that will be merely awful, which is a bit better than very difficult.

Saturday it will build a bit, and clock around to the NE. Sunday—after the boat show—it drops to 5-10 kt, winds from the NE. Pleasant for a motor sail, but too late to help us get there on time. It will make it nice to get to Solomon's, however.


Attribute Value
Depart Started: West River Sailing Club. 38°50.74′N 076°32.33′W
Arrive Anchored: Tenthouse Creek. 38°50.862′N 076°32.403′W
Distance 272 yards.