To see as much of the world as we can,
Using the smallest carbon footprint we can,
Spending the least amount of money we can,
Making as many friends we can.

Team Red Cruising

  • Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow

    "...That I shall say good night till it be morrow."

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    Today: laundry, last-minute supplies, weather.

    We'll miss Miami. In particular, the last two nights were beautiful. The three of four days previous, however, were gusty and crappy. The Dinner Key Mooring field is a world of extremes: flip-flopping between …

  • 45 kt Wind Gusts

    We had an amazing storm this morning: 45 kt gusts. Quite alarming to hear that racket inside Red Ranger. The mooring lines held: Dep Chief David gave us some old firehose which we cut up to make chafe guards. Nothing on deck was damaged: we try not to leave things …

  • Counting Down

    Thursday the 17th WX info:

    --N-bound vessels Bahamas-Florida and the long US ECoast should enjoy benign weather beginning Mon21 or (may be more likely) Tue22 With benign weather (either little wind or maybe modest favorable wind) thru about Sat26 or Sun27.


    This doesn't go as far into the future …

  • Day Sailing

    I think we've done our last Biscayne Bay day sail. Our next sailing day(s) will be our passage north.

    Here's the video of this week's outing: Sailing Day II.

    Here's a video from last month's outing: Sailing Day.

    RedRangerSailingDay2.jpg ""

    Here's the weather forecast summary that we're looking at …

  • Sometimes We're Not Completely Stupid

    Sometimes we do things that are completely stupid. Sometimes less completely stupid. And once in a while, we make something good out of something abysmally dumb.

    The filler for the fuel is in a low-spot on the starboard side of the deck, almost as low as the scupper drain. That …

  • Northward Migration Challenges

    We're closing in on time to start migrating north for the summer. We have to be north of Cumberland Island, GA, in about six weeks. The Commodore has said that we'll be leaving Miami in about three weeks. We're looking at several big challenges on this voyage.

    The leg to …

  • Visiting SF Bay

    We flew to the San Francisco area this week. The trip is epic because it reflects some of the decisions we made before buying Red Ranger. It illuminated some of our previously dim understanding.

    Some years ago — never mind how long precisely…

    The full quote: "Some years ago--never mind how …

  • The Phases of Moving In

    Learning a new place is exciting. Indeed, when living on a boat, it's an essential skill. But it's also a ton of fun. How do we learn a place? I think there are a few phases.

    Phase I. Find Something. Anything.

    You don't know where things are. You don't even …

  • That Range Light

    Coping with operator error is difficult.

    The ColRegs (The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea) are required on boats. Rule 20 describes when lights must be used (sunset to sunrise and restricted visibility). Rule 25 describes lights to be used on sailing vessels.

    We have both version of the …

  • Hove To

    It's time for our weekly sailing outing. Questions were raised. Answers, however, are not forthcoming.

    The winds from about 120° (something like ESE or maybe SE by E) at 10 to 11 kt here in the mooring field. Once out in the bay, the winds were actually 15 kts gusting …

  • Sunny Day Chores

    Yes, we're wintering in South Florida. But no, every day is not sunshine and beaches. Most days. Not all.

    When the sun shines and the wind is light, there are a few sunny day chores that need to be done.


    Today, for example, it's laundry day. Two loads of …

  • Coconut Grove Walkies

    The Commodore Says "Living on a boat is gorgeous, but it interferes with taking evening walkies."

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    I think this is code for "can we go to a bar and eat bar food and drink beer?"

    She feels guilty about idling in a bar. We're supposed to be productive. Right …

  • Back to the Ball and The Price of Failure

    Started: Star Island 25°46.56′N 080°09.25′W

    Mooring: Coconut Grove near Dinner Key Marina, 25°42.92′N 080°13.63′W

    Log: 8.5 nm. Time: 2 hr. Engine: 2 hr.

    Great party on Perfect Partner. Great tour of Lincoln Road Mall on Miami Beach …

  • Star Island Anchorage

    Started: Coconut Grove near Dinner Key Marina, 25°42.92′N 080°13.63′W

    Anchored: Star Island 25°46.56′N 080°09.25′W

    Log: 8.5 nm. Time: 2¾ hr. Engine: 1½ hr.


    Our weekly daysail took us up to Star Island. We dropped the anchor …

  • More Pictures from *Annabel*

    Another amazing photo from from Kayda on Annabel.

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    It's so hard to find color in a grey overcast sky. As far as I can tell, this composition was simply what Kayda saw from the deck of Annabel. I don't think she took the dinghy out to drive around and …

  • Some Goodbyes

    Today three Whitbys (and a Beneteau) started from the Bahamas. Without us. <sniff/>


    Joie de Vivre, Dream Ketcher, Creola and `Tis Good are on their way across the Gulf Stream. Weather today is pretty sporty, but the wind is out of the S. Wind that goes with the Gulf …

  • Wow — That was stressful

    I want to be honest. The liveaboard lifestyle is not a zero-stress, grand vacation. It's low-stress. And the stress is of a fundamentally different kind than the stress people who have jobs (or struggle with unemployment) suffer. The stress of living on a sailboat may be a better stress, if …

  • Scout's Puncture Wound

    After our day sail, we noticed that Scout's port-side tube was a little flabby. Before launching, we pumped both tubes up the recommended pressure (0.25 bar, 3.5 PSI)

    After going ashore we noticed that Scout's port side tube had progressed to very flabby.

    After dinner, we were so …

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