To see as much of the world as we can,
Using the smallest carbon footprint we can,
Spending the least amount of money we can,
Making as many friends we can.

Team Red Cruising

  • The Hard Dodger

    Here's a temporary hack. I think it will work for a few years. We'll see.

    We have a custom-built "Wave Stopper" hard-topped dodger. See, for example, "Annapolis VI: ‘Done'" for some information on this. It was (7 years ago) a wonderful thing. Sturdy. Dry. Clear windows. Hand-holds. Really nice. For …

  • Cleaning and Sailing — Part 2

    Yes, we have left the dock. Here's the cockpit, heeled over in 10-15 kt of wind. Beam Reaching down Herring Bay.

    Red Ranger Cockpit
    Looking a little more ship-shape

    And here's the view out on the water.

    Boats on the Bay
    Boats on the Bay

    Sun. Wind. Boats.

    We got our reefing lines and lazy jacks squared …

  • About The Temperature Gauge

    On Thursday, we dialed the speed up to 7 knots. This means a bit over 2,000 RPM on the tach.

    And the temperature started to increase. And increase. I don't often check the temperature. But I did manage to notice it in time.

    Did I mention we had guests …

  • Friends and Boats

    Brought some friends — David and Bo — along to move Red Ranger from West River back down to Herrington Harbour.

    Bo and David
    Bo and David sailing down the bay

    They'd never seen Red Ranger before, and hadn't fully appreciated how much boat she is.

    The winds were light, and — of course — on the …

  • Equinox Cruise

    Sailing is all about cooperation. Nothing happens in isolation. The progress of a sailboat through the water requires wind, for example. There are other examples of cooperation, we'll get to them.

    The Equinox cruise was timed to greet the passing of the sun over the horizon on September 22nd, 2018 …

  • Co-Workers Sailing Day and the Banana Hammock

    The two are unrelated.

    Saturday, we packed ten guests onto Red Ranger, and sailed around Herring Bay. Pictures? Sorry. Too busy schmoozing to actually take any pictures. It was hot and sunny with wind that barely reached 8 knots. We drifted around pleasantly. Gybed once to avoid the fish traps …

  • Crab Heaven

    The West River Sailing Club membership has a number of benefits. Crabs being one of them. Of course, we had to get there, and get back in time for work on Monday. And square away the Auto-Pilot.

    Red Ranger at WRSC
    Red Ranger at WRSC dock

    After stuffing our faces with crab, slaw, corn …

  • Yoga Teachers and Software Upgrades

    We took CA's Yoga Teachers cohort sailing on Saturday. Winds 10-ish (and dropping) from about 090°. Sunny and 25°C air temp, so it was — perhaps — one of the most perfect possible days for sailing. Can I say perfect without invoking Poseidon's wrath? It was essentially perfect.

    There was two …

  • Contrasts

    It was a weekend of contrasts. Two dear friends came down to visit for the weekend and sail. We've had some drive-by visits where a quick sail on Red Ranger can be worked out. This visit was a stark contrast to those. These were folks looking to sail.

    To make …

  • Some Firsts

    The West River Sailing Club Autumnal Equinox cruise involved a number of firsts for Red Ranger. It's difficult to count the number of firsts we enjoyed.

    The first of the firsts was visiting Harrison Creek and Dun Cove. This is about two miles north of Knapp's Narrows. It's quiet, and …

  • Happy Birthday Sail

    Boats at Anchor
    Boats at Anchor

    Overnight in the Rhode River.

    Here's where we anchored.

    There's a big open creek with a bunch of low islands. Very salt-marsh. Many other boats because it's very pretty and accessible.

    It's a few hours south of Annapolis. A few hours north of Herrington Harbour.

    Here's something …

  • Dog-Stopping

    The West River Sailing Club Labor Day cruise involved a parade of rain showers on Saturday, leaving a lot boats on the dock. We ventured out Friday and learned a new word: "dog-stopping."

    The cruise had two destinations. We'd been told about La Trappe creek. "Lovely," "Quiet." Those sorts of …

  • Family and the USCG Cutter Eagle

    Finally got cousin Robert and his wife Cheryl out on Red Ranger. We tried last summer, but there were complicated family issues, and our schedules never aligned.

    This weekend was perfect. Light breezes. Not too hot.

    And this

    USCG Cutter Eagle
    The "Eagle"

    The US Coast Guard Cutter Eagle. On it's way to …

  • Unsporty Conditions

    This weekend, we went to West River Sailing Club for a party. The actual location was about 0.5 nm away from the club as the crow flies. Google said it would be five miles driving around the creeks of West River.

    What's important is that unlike our last big …

  • A Million Things to Do

    She's a boat — there are always things to do. We have enumerated the jobs using Trello. There are 51 things on the backlog. Okay. It's not a million. Some are really complex. Others are a trip to Home Depot to find the right gasket for the faucets.

    Instead of work …

  • Race Day

    Two things are essential for racing on sailboats.

    I have some ideas about this. Years ago I did a little racing in our first boat, a Buccaneer. It's an 18' dinghy, designed for comfy, reasonably safe two-person racing. I crewed a bit. I did really badly. I had a vague …

  • Formal Season Opening

    This is different.

    Whitby Rendezvous
    Whitby Rendezvous at West River Sailing Club

    It looks a bit like a church event. Multiple generations. Folks congregating, socializing, forming and strengthening their connections. There's a strong sense of thanksgiving. Not so much worship and praise.

    This is West River Sailing Club.

    Worship and praise was …

  • Ideal Conditions for Visitors

    There were issues with Red Ranger. Kind of awkward when you have guests. But sailing conditions were ideal. Ideal.

    IMG_0036.jpg ""

    Meet Fatjon and Blerta. From the 14th floor. Fatjon was a captain in the Albanian Navy. And an ordinance diver. He knows ships and the sea. Blerta is a …

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