To see as much of the world as we can,
Using the smallest carbon footprint we can,
Spending the least amount of money we can,
Making as many friends we can.

Team Red Cruising

About This Blog

This is a long story breaks with several major parts, shown in order here. The current blog is at the end.

  • Preparation is our journey from a house in the suburbs to buying Red Ranger.

  • Refit covers the three-year refit of Red Ranger from stem to stern.

  • Live-Aboard I is years one and two of living aboard. From 2012 to 2014.

  • Day-Sailing cover the years we spent in Richmond, Tyson's Corner, and Las Vegas, from 2014 to 2021. This includes some day sailing and Chesapeake Bay destinations. It also includes some epic cross-country travel by car and train.

  • Live-Aboard II is our trip from Deale, Maryland, to Port Charlotte, Florida. We had started to live aboard, again. But, Hurricane Season makes us part-timers. This is 2021 to 2022.

  • Hurricane Aftermath We got knocked over in Hurricane Ian (October, 2022). Then we moved to Texas. That was fun, now it's over.

  • 2024 Cruise. Here we are in our 2024 sailing year. Which will end more-or-less when Hurrican Season starts.

Other Stuff

Additional content that's not essentially log entries includes:

Technology History

Red Ranger
Red Ranger

We started with Apple's iWeb tool. In September, 2012, we changed the organization of the site to distinguish Refit from actual Travels with Red Ranger.

The Travel sections are organized along the day-by-day format that we like to see. Daily logging helps us to compare our plans against other's experiences. We provide it that way for others to use.

In August 2013, we switched to the SandVox blogging tool and reorganized the site a bit.

In February 2022, we switched to the Pelican static site generator and simple Markdown files. The current Team Red Cruising is built using the static site tool.
