To see as much of the world as we can,
Using the smallest carbon footprint we can,
Spending the least amount of money we can,
Making as many friends we can.

Team Red Cruising

  • Vacations: Vegas, LA and the Bahamas

    Ahh. Vacation. Seems a little odd when we live on a boat. But time off the boat makes the time on the boat all the sweeter. You can play, too. We're thinking more seriously about the "Guests in the Bahamas" alternatives.

    We visited our kids for the pan-holiday celebration: Thanksgiving …

  • One of those little solutions

    The problem is stuff that's loose in the head when we're under way. In the ICW, a few things rolling around the counter tops don't count for much. But on an offshore passage, loose bits wind up getting scattered around the head, making life unpleasant.


    The commodore saw a …

  • Departures

    Three Whitbys left the Ortega River this morning, heading for slack tide at the railroad bridge.

    IMG_2153 "*Joie de Vivre*"
    IMG_2157 "*Creola*"
    IMG_2165 "*Hold Fast*"
    IMG_2162 "*Joie de Vivre* and *Creola*"

    We're so jealous.

  • That Smell

    We had a kind of a smell the other day on Red Ranger. A new and unpleasant smell.

    Found the cause.


    Not happy about that.

    It was a Samlex/Cotek ST1500-112 Pure Sine wave inverter with a 30A transfer switch and a 30A circuit breaker.

    Emphasis on the was …

  • Whitby Rendezvous — JAX

    The BIG rendezvous has traditionally been in October in the Chesapeake.

    However, since CA is now the president of the rendezvous for this year, she'd like to see more rendezvous in more places.

    Voyager II, Creola, Red Ranger, Joie de Vivre, Hold Fast
    Voyager II, Creola, Red Ranger, Joie de Vivre, Hold Fast

    What are the key ingredients? Whitby/Brewer …

  • Propane Problem: Pressure but no Flow

    Here are the symptoms: full pressure and no flow.

    Pressure gauge reads 80 psi just like normal.

    Propane solenoid clicks just like normal.


    No gas. Zero. Nothing flowing.

    Here's the secret: turn the gas off at the cylinder. Disconnect it. Wait for the gas to hiss out. Reconnect it …

  • New Year Jobs

    New Years Eve: Red Ranger, Creola, Joie de Vivre and Voyager II. Pizza, a little champagne. Whitby 42 talk. I waved the camera around, but didn't even get half the group. Rick got some better pictures, I'll try to post them.


    CA has washed just about the entire deck …

  • Entertainment

    Not related to safety or sailing, but still a priority for Red Ranger. Also, it's something we'd like to do while we've got a few weeks with West Marine and Radio Shack less than ½ mile away.

    We have a doddering old marine cassette player. Cassette. It has an auxiliary …

  • Merry Christmas from Red Ranger

    Christmas Day 2013 on Red Ranger.

    IMG_2120 "*Our stockings were hung in the cockpit with care — Dark Chocolate Oranges!*"
    IMG_2127 "*The Bar is Open — Bloody Mary Fixings*"
    IMG_2126 "*Christmas Waffles — A tradition that may not last much longer*"

    The iTunes Christmas Mix in on shuffle.

    It should warm up from …

  • Visitors and Jobs

    Our friend Chris — from way back in the hazy past of high school — stopped by for the day. He was in Florida for a bunch of family-related things (weddings and some vacation and stuff.)


    Nothing more helpful than a steady, extra pair of hands to work on a fiddly …

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