To see as much of the world as we can,
Using the smallest carbon footprint we can,
Spending the least amount of money we can,
Making as many friends we can.

Team Red Cruising

  • Looking at Launch Day

    We're focusing on April 10th, 2024.

    If all goes well, we're bound to arrive Safe Cove Marina on that day.

    We've got about three intensive days of commissioning before launch. (I'll share the list, don't worry.)

    Then we'll need to spend a some time at their dock, where the potable …

  • Chesapeake Day Sailing

    Ready About?

    After two years of liveaboard cruising, we're changing tack.

    Helm's A-Lee!

    Red Ranger is switching role from cruising home to weekend getaway.

    We'll report on our weekend excursions and destinations in and around the southern Chesapeaked Bay.

  • Week 49: Another Deltaville Week

    Time to upgrade to a better blogging tool.

    Avoid the rush, update your bookmarks now. Our first year, 2012-2013, ends soon.

    Our second year officially starts September 16, 2013, at the new address:

    Live-Aboard I.

    In addition to fussing around with software, we're also doing minimal boat jobs. CA's making …

  • Blog Restructuring

    It's important to put everything where it belongs. (A lesson we're learning as we move the last of our earthly possessions onto Red Ranger.)

    The blog once had the name "Team Red Cruising". Then it became Refit; a more apt category name.

    We've added a Live-Aboard I category, which is …

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