To see as much of the world as we can,
Using the smallest carbon footprint we can,
Spending the least amount of money we can,
Making as many friends we can.

Team Red Cruising

Welcome to 2024

Status Report. Red Ranger is on the hard in Safe Cove.

Nothing has changed. Scott looked in on her recently, and reconnected shore power.

We're still in Texas.

Here's a factoid that come up in the Whitby Call yesterday.

The Deck Filler


Durometer 75

We have 6 fillers. The cheap rings come in packs of 25 for $15. With a 20 year shelf-life, I can replace them every five years before I run out.

See Deck Fillers it has a picture that captures all the details.

Here's a recent picture taken through CA's spotting scope. The scope a Vortex Diamondback. It requires some care in setting up, because it's heavy. I don't think it can be used on the boat.

Great Blue Heron
Great Blue Heron

I'm not sure how far away the bird was. Perhaps a quarter of a mile. Maybe more.

We have the Celestron mount to hold a phone camera close to the spotting scope eyepiece. It's very fiddly to get it in focus. This picture is grainy because I didn't have everything quite right.