To see as much of the world as we can,
Using the smallest carbon footprint we can,
Spending the least amount of money we can,
Making as many friends we can.

Team Red Cruising

Whitby Rendezvous Miami

Back in October, the Whitby-Brewer Rendezvous Group decided to have a Rendezvous South. It was great. Small but great.


We had five crews in attendance: Indefatigable, Joie de Vivre, Red Ranger, Dream Ketcher, and Simbi.

What makes a good Whitby-Bewer Rendezvous? Besides enthusiastic owners, of course.

  1. An associated event — in this case, a boat show. The North Rendezvous precedes the Annapolis Sailboat Show. The South Rendezvous came just after the Miami Boat Show.

  2. Shared meals; at least one. In this case, we had a potluck lunch and a dinner at Scotty's. In the North Rendezvous, we had catered dinners at the West River Sailing Club facility.

  3. Boat tours. In this case, we saw The Incredible Hull. In person is better than photos on the big screen from the overhead projector.

  4. Some kind of program. In this case, we had a long, general discussion of boating, problems and solutions. Including the recommended way to handle a cockroach in your ear. Really. And we had a small meeting about future directions.


Dream Ketcher's transmission mounts had failed sometime during our overnight passage from Vero Beach. They're scrambling to find nuts and bolts and rebuild their tranny. Since we had local support from Miami-based Simbi, there was a fair amount of running around and meeting up with skilled mechanics.

Next year's goals: more boats, more scheduled program material, and maybe a better location.

The dinner key picnic pavilion isn't bad, but we can't easily do boat tours when boats are all over the mooring field. But. The price was right.