To see as much of the world as we can,
Using the smallest carbon footprint we can,
Spending the least amount of money we can,
Making as many friends we can.

Team Red Cruising

Southbound Ph. III, day 15, Forecast Goodies

New Smyrna is nice. We'd like to see the keys, though, so we're waiting on weather.

Here's the far distant forecast.

FRIDAY...South winds 5 to 10 knots becoming southeast in the afternoon. Seas 3 to 4 feet with occasional seas to 5 feet.

FRIDAY NIGHT...South winds 5 to 10 knots becoming west after midnight. Seas 2 to 3 feet.

SATURDAY...North winds 5 to 10 knots. Seas 2 to 3 feet.

This is starting to look interesting. The Friday afternoon part is a bit sporty, but Friday night and Saturday are our kind of offshore sailing. Wind on the nose switches to on the beam and then continues to back until it's astern.

The Marine Weather Center email said this:

CFL: ESE-S up to 15k/2-4' Fri25-Sat26

SFL: Variable mostly SW\<N under 10k/1-3' Fri25 night; Variable mostly N-NE under 15k/1-4' Sat26

The Central Florida (CFL) is mild. And South Florida is glassy calm.

Here's the potential schedule for the next few days.

Tue22. Do nothing.

Wed23. Shopping for fresh veggies at Publix. Confirm the forecasts. Book the slip.

Thu24. Take a slip at New Smyrna Marina. Water. Fuel. Laundry. Showers.

Fri25. Depart 10-ish and head out to sea.

Sat26. Arrive St. Lucie Inlet. Scoot up to Jensen Beach Mooring Field. We may need to anchor nearby in case we can't get a mooring right away. We may go to Stuart and anchor there, too.

If we can get a ball, we plan to stay for a week or two to do mail and other sorts of things.

This afternoon, I'll draft the float plan.

Red Ranger at Anchor

At Anchor in Sheethead Cut, New Smyrna Beach