To see as much of the world as we can,
Using the smallest carbon footprint we can,
Spending the least amount of money we can,
Making as many friends we can.

Team Red Cruising

Southbound Day 22

Starting our fourth week of this cruise with a few more days of waiting for weather. Here's the latest from Marine Weather (MWXC).

"Stiff sailing along the coast Sun7, becoming milder Mon8. Motoring Tue9."

This Tuesday thing appeals to us. The NOAA Marine Forecast doesn't quite reach that far into the future, but it does have these two entries for Monday the 8th.

For Beaufort and Cape Lookout:

"N winds 20 to 25 kt, diminishing to 15 to 20 kt. Seas 5 to 8 ft. Adjacent sounds and rivers rough, diminishing to choppy."

And this for Cape Fear:

"NW winds 10 to 15 kt. Seas 3 to 5 ft."

These seem like they might work for us. I think that means we'll be scooting to Beaufort on Monday to depart Tuesday if the window will stay open. There's a LO that may slam the window shut or delay us a few days. We're standing by for our next forecast, tomorrow afternoon.

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The view looks way too pretty: water, sky, boat. It's hard to get a picture of chilly. And it's really hard to get a picture of us expecting it to get much chillier over the next two days.

New Bern has been good to us. Rain tomorrow may keep us on Red Ranger all day. Friday, however, it looks pleasant for a trip to the laundromat. The anchor is holding fast at 35°6.1884′N 77°1.9218′W.