The apartment is almost empty.

The U-Haul U-box Pod was packed and shipped yesterday.

CA's meticulous planning worked out perfectly. Everything fit into the pod with barely any space left over.
The two (heavy) Herman Miller Aeron chairs were piled on top of other things. Hopefully, nothing will get too crushed by them.
What's left in the apartment really is a small final load of donations to CHKD thrift store, plus some stuff we're leaving to the new tenants.
(Odds are good that they're just being polite and will put that stuff to the curb in a New York minute.)
The last of the galley supplies, sewing projects, clothes and "personal effects" are being arranged into ever smaller piles around the apartment.
There's a lot of the final "do we really need this?" questioning going on.
How many USB cables do you really need? How many CAT-5 ethernet cables? How many belts for the one pair of khaki pants? Office supplies? Pens and pencils?
Since we'll be at the marina for two weeks before leaving for Galesville, we think we'll do this.
Pack the doubtful stuff in the truck.
Pack the boat in priority order. Galley. Tools. Spares. Clothes.
Some things come off the boat while we study the situation. Low priority or questionable stuff can sit in the truck until we find a home for it on he boat.
What doesn't fit can sit in the truck until we get back to Norfolk in mid-October.
What's still in the truck goes to the CHKD thrift store. Or the dumpster.
The idea is that we don't need to rush the final decisions. We have a few weeks to try different things.