Nothing much going on here. Still.
CA washed down the toe-rail with ammonia. It's a once-a-year job to keep the teak clean.

The idea here is to keep the teak clean so it can "silver" naturally. There used to be Cetol finish on the rail. It peeled off in handfuls over the years. Now it's an annual ammmonia rinse.
I'm going then the follow up with some Teak Oil.
We remain docked at the Harborage marina in Stuart. 27°12.702′N 080°15.451′W. Slip J-38.
We've visited the pool bar a few times. This let us meet some of our neighbors. That's been fun. The weather has been delightful. The scenary is pretty nice here. CA's been birding regullarly: the north shore of the St. Lucie river has a bunch of parks in and among the fancy vacation homes.
While we'd like to get further south, this is a nice place. It's expensive, though.