The two are unrelated.
Saturday, we packed ten guests onto Red Ranger, and sailed around Herring Bay. Pictures? Sorry. Too busy schmoozing to actually take any pictures. It was hot and sunny with wind that barely reached 8 knots. We drifted around pleasantly. Gybed once to avoid the fish traps.
Sunday, I build banana hammocks for CA.
Three mesh bags hanging from ¼" line. Since the handles are loops, a sheet bend works really well to position the bags.
The orange one might be a little close to the vertical support, and I've since moved it a few inches outboard.
And yes, there's also a giant rope around the support — that runs the length of the saloon and is a thing to hold onto in a badly-pitching sea.
Sunday we puttered around doing a lot of little things most of it was cleaning. Some of it was little home improvements.