To see as much of the world as we can,
Using the smallest carbon footprint we can,
Spending the least amount of money we can,
Making as many friends we can.

Team Red Cruising

Annapolis and the Sailboat Show

Started: Tenthouse Creek. 38°50.862′N 076°32.403′W

Anchored: Annapolis. 38°58.53′N 076°28.43′W

Distance Run: 12.6 nm. Time 1½ hr.

A short, wet slog from West River directly into 20 kt winds with 3′ seas splashing over the bow and onto the dodger.

Wet outside. Water everywhere. Inside the new dodger: pretty dry.

Now we're anchored in Annapolis, waiting for the rain to abate so we can launch the dinghy and visit the sailboat show.


Attribute Value
Depart Started: Tenthouse Creek. 38°50.862′N 076°32.403′W
Arrive Anchored: Annapolis. 38°58.53′N 076°28.43′W
Run 12.6 nm.
Time 1½ hr.