Started: Tenthouse Creek. 38°50.862′N 076°32.403′W
Anchored: Annapolis. 38°58.53′N 076°28.43′W
Distance Run: 12.6 nm. Time 1½ hr.
A short, wet slog from West River directly into 20 kt winds with 3′ seas splashing over the bow and onto the dodger.
Wet outside. Water everywhere. Inside the new dodger: pretty dry.
Now we're anchored in Annapolis, waiting for the rain to abate so we can launch the dinghy and visit the sailboat show.
Attribute | Value |
Depart | Started: Tenthouse Creek. 38°50.862′N 076°32.403′W |
Arrive | Anchored: Annapolis. 38°58.53′N 076°28.43′W |
Run | 12.6 nm. |
Time | 1½ hr. |