To see as much of the world as we can,
Using the smallest carbon footprint we can,
Spending the least amount of money we can,
Making as many friends we can.

Team Red Cruising

  • Waiting for the Hull Repair

    "So, where did you go on your 2025 cruise?"

    The boatyard. Some hotels.

    Here's the obligatory beach photo:

    The beach at Marco Island
    The beach at Marco Island

    Here's the bullet list of days waiting for a repair.

    Punta Gorda

    • Day 21 Move to the Holiday Inn Express in Punta Gorda.
    • Day 22 Explore fisherman …

  • Solstice Day

    "So far," you say, "your 2025 cruise is boring."

    My response is that it's quite exciting, in a boatyard-maintenance-breaking-fixing kind of way. In a pretty-anchorages-cool-waterfront-bars way, it's not great.

    Here's the obligatory sunset photo.

    Sunset in the boatyard
    Sunset in the boatyard

    A few days before solstice, 19 December 2025 at 18:17.

    Day …

  • Hitting the Brick Wall

    All the planning. All the preparation. And. Oof.

    Here's the ladder. It's under this.

    Aft Companionway Ladder
    Aft Companionway Ladder

    Day 16

    The range light (fitting is a Perko 0170BMD) was out. The bulb was not connecting solidly. While hanging in my rock clumbing harness at the first spreader, I touched the bulb …

  • Dockside, Days 14-15

    At the dock.

    Day 14

    End stay at rental. Finish stowing some personal things and moving aboard. CA has a complete plan for this, making it easy for me to move the heavy things where and when she tells me.

    Start provisioning for the first month or so. When the …

  • Launch Day

    Launched. Here's the recap...

    Day 8

    1. Ascend mast and reattach wind instrument. Test instruments. They seem to work. Here's a picture of the strip-chart recorder on the left showing a few minutes of wind direction and speet. On the right is the wind rose that shows the boat "direction" arrow …

  • 2025 Cruise Day 7

    Today. The jobs are getting bigger, actually. They take several days to complete.

    1. Tighten the bolts on the stays'l track. They're accessible in the main cabin -- they come right through the deck and the top of the cabin. The track on the caprail has bolts that are almost inaccessible behind …

  • 2025 Day 6

    Yesterday, we took a little break in the morning. We've been working steadily, but, we're old.

    However, we did get a lot done yesterday.

    1. Stow the dehumidifier
    2. Finish the prep work for the bowsprit platform rebuild
    3. Test the freshwater system -- it needs a new filter
    4. Clean the galley
    5. Lube all …

  • 2025 Day 4

    Where are we in the TODO list?

    Well... It's complicated.

    Start rebuilding stringers for bowsprit platform

    Last year, I cracked the bowsprit platform when I hit a dock piling.

    The platform has stringers. Two were broken and lifted out.

    I used some glue and screws to reassemble the two pieces …

  • 2025 Day 3

    Where are we in the TODO list?

    Pretty far, actually. TK suggested I provide pictures. Hearing that from a professional photographer is encouraging.

    Day 1

    1. Move the anchor to make room to have bowsprit repaired.
    2. Install Dodger.
    3. Install Bimini.
    4. Blow leaf debris from deck.
    5. Replace Flow Rite battery water filling …

  • 2025 Commissioning

    Yes. I know it's really the tail end of 2024.

    Years ago -- in the Chesapeake -- our boat year started mid-May, so we could get out and sail on Memorial Day weekend.

    Now. In Florida, we're escaping Hurricane Season; the boat year is December to April or May. So. I'm calling …

  • 2024-2025 Cruise Plans

    We survived Hurricane Ian back in 2022.

    We survived Hurrican Milton in 2024.

    We still have a lot of work to do. But we should have several months in which to do it. We're thinking about launching in November, 2024. We can then potter about the SW coast of FL …

  • 2024 Commissioning Details

    We started with a big task list. This was based on a great deal of optimism. Optimism that started to look like empty hubris. Optimism that — when it’s gone — leads to some reflection.

    The bulk of the tasks were simple: undo hurricane prep. This means putting equipment back on …

  • 2024 Cruise Retrospective

    This was an emotional two week cruise.

    We went approximately nowhere. We fixed a lot of things. I learned some lessons along the way.

    Week 0

    Our preparation week had to be extended again. Ideally, we'd like to shove off on Sunday, the 21st.

    April 19

    Launch. The rest of …

  • Many Jobs, an After Action Review

    There have been times when they put us in the sling and dropped us in the creek.

    This was not one of those times.

    Red Ranger in the crane
    Red Ranger in the crane

    This is -- in a way -- an After Action Review. Let's start with Intent.

    Launch Intent

    There was a longish list of …

  • 2024 Commissioning

    Mr. Lehman's feeling poorly.

    To tell the whole story, let's roll back the clock. There are two kinds of end-of-season layup:

    • Wet Slip Winterizing. Put in antifreeze, take in the sails. Take in the running rigging. Maybe rearrange the stuff on deck so it doesn't collect puddles of water and …

  • Starting the 2024 Boat Year

    My little heart is going pit-a-pat as we start preparing for our (very short 2024 cruising season.

    We have three objectives. First, this is essentially sea trials after Hurricane Ian and a year living in Texas.

    I'm confident the solar panels work. The semi-flexible panels on deck are a mess …

  • Leaving Texas

    The (short) 2024 season is almost here.

    We're moving out of Texas, after nine months.

    We have some restowing and rearranging at our base in North Carolina. And then we'll have a month or so on Red Ranger.

    Stand by.

    For now, some pictures of packing the truck.

    This is …

  • Looking at Launch Day

    We're focusing on April 10th, 2024.

    If all goes well, we're bound to arrive Safe Cove Marina on that day.

    We've got about three intensive days of commissioning before launch. (I'll share the list, don't worry.)

    Then we'll need to spend a some time at their dock, where the potable …

  • Leap Day Planning

    As noted in Looking at the future, it's time to start dreaming again.

    For this year, the Gulf Coast of Florida is our aspiration.

    Getting out of Charlotte Harbor would be pleasant, if we can do that.

    I've updated my planning charts to include the Bahamas (for next year) and …

  • Looking at the Future

    It's time to start arm-chair sailing again.

    Our stay in Texas is drawing to a close.

    The sailing season is slipping away from us. It's December to June, more-or-less.

    We think it shapes up like this...

    Sailing Season

    Drive from NC to Florida.

    Clean and launch Red Ranger. Safe Cove …

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